
Our Story
Est. 2016
Our company was inspired shortly after we had our first child. As first time parents, we were unaware of the types of baby items that we would need for our little one. Like most, we registered for multiple baby clothing items; everything from swaddles, sleep sacks, onesies, coveralls, footie pajamas, etc. That being said, we were sure that we were covered with all the necessities prior to our baby being born. Shortly thereafter we had our wonderful baby boy, Luke. He was born healthy and happy. The overwhelming joy and love we felt for him was instantaneous and one of the most joyous experiences in our lives. Such a blessing.
We brought our brand new baby home and quickly realized that not all baby clothes were as wonderful and functional as we thought. Our son was a scratcher. We swore that as soon as we would clip his nails, they would grow back in a matter of minutes (not really, but it did feel that way). We needed solutions and came back with very limited options. First we tried buying the elastic mittens, but those would just fall off and we ended up losing them. Second we tried socks, aside from looking odd (having socks on his hands) they ended up falling off as well. The last thing we tried were onesies with built-in mitten cuffs. Finally, our problem was solved! Well, at least it was solved for a short time. As little Luke got older, we discovered that mitten cuffs were mainly found in newborn sizes. After some searching, we finally found a company that made sleeper pajamas with mitten cuffs and footies, that went up to size 9 months. We purchased quite a few. Luke wore them for awhile but we quickly realized there were things we didn’t like about them too. First of all, they had a snap closure. We were pretty sure that Luke was a professional clothing escape artist because he would unsnap the snaps whenever we turned our heads. Also, snaps weren’t the most flattering option, because when Luke would sit down you could see his skin between the snaps. Lots of other parents that we talked to swore by snaps, saying that they were so fast and convenient. However, we found them to be a hassle.
We had other pajamas with zipper closure and loved the zippers, but those did not have mitten cuffs. The other problem we ran into were the pajama feet. They had rubber/plastic grips on the bottom, but unfortunately our whole house is wood flooring and tile so they didn’t work vey well. Luke would constantly fall down. Our only option was to change Luke out of his pajamas when he was ready to wake up and put him into a romper or other outfit (again with no mitten cuffs). Then nap time would come around and we would have to change him again back into pajamas, while being so careful not to wake him up. After a few nap time meltdowns, we thought to ourselves that there has to be a better way! We tirelessly searched and searched for exactly what we wanted… but no luck.
We decided to put our pen to paper and started creating our own dream design. We knew how much we loved mitten cuffs, so we thought “Why not footie cuffs!?” If we simply put cuffs on a romper, it could easily convert into a sleeper without a wardrobe change! Genius! The fabric choice also had to be perfect and carefully selected. We wanted it to be soft, stretchy and breathable. Lastly, it was important that we incorporated a Zipper closure. Voila! The Baby Breez Romper/Sleeper was born!
Our son Luke has grown up wearing his Baby Breez Romper/Sleepers and he loves wearing them as much as we love the convenience of them. As any fellow stay at home parent can attest, hassle free clothing and convenience is the key to making the day run a little smoother. We would like to share our creation with other parents who see the need for them as much as we do.
Thank you for taking an interest in our story and the time to visit our site. Please use this ABOUT10 coupon code at checkout to save 10% off your future purchase. Feel free to reach out and keep in touch on our social media to share cute photos of your little ones.